
Robotic Surgery in Orthopedics: Implications for Primary Care Physicians

Even though it is still in its infancy, robotic surgery is now utilized in healthcare clinics. Robotic surgery allows doctors to perform many complicated procedures with ease. This technology provides doctors with a more precise means to complete surgeries. It tends to have more accuracy than conventional surgery.

The said technology landed quite an impact on the healthcare world. We’ll get to see how it affected practitioners and people in the medical care industry. We’ll also get to cover what are the advantages of robotic surgery. And we’ll get to know what this technology will bring in the foreseeable future.

How Will it Affect Primary Care Physicians?

There’s no need to worry about primary care physicians who work in health clinics. You will still be involved in the process of orthopedic surgeries. You are going to be the referrer for patients. How you’ll work here is to first identify what’s going on with your patient. Ask them questions, what are they feeling and what is giving them pain.

The next step is that you’ll do a few scans and procedures to determine your patient’s condition. Once identified, that’s when you can tell the patient that they may or may not have surgery to fully recover. If they do require surgery to recover, then you may give them a referral to a talented surgeon to perform the robotic surgery procedure on them.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery in Orthopedics for Doctors

To an orthopedic and a primary care physician, the impact of robotic surgery is on a positive note. The use of robotics in orthopedic surgeries offers a lot of benefits on both sides. On the side of medical practitioners, they get these benefits:

Robotic Surgery in Orthopedics

(Image source: Smithsonian Magazine)

  • Precise and accurate surgeries. There’s little to no room for human error with a robotic-assisted surgery procedure. Robotics guides the surgeon to the area of the problem and allows them to do the procedure with accuracy. There’s no human error here unlike in conventional surgery methods.
  • Clearer visualization. Robotic surgery includes the use of a small camera. As mentioned earlier, it guides the surgeon to the area where they need to apply the procedure. This also gives them a clear understanding of what’s going on in that part of the body.

Speaking of visualization, the tiny camera also is handy for guiding implants. These implants are used for fracture reduction and reconstruction. A surgeon can place an implant and add in the screw or bolts with ease.

  • No need for large incisions. Unlike conventional surgery methods where a huge incision has to be made. Robotic surgery only requires a small incision. A small sharp apparatus and a small camera that can enter the human body are enough for the job.

Effects of Robotic Surgery on Patients

As stated above, it’s not only the medical practitioners who benefit a lot from robotic surgery. The patient too can reap a lot of benefits after a surgical operation done this way. Here they are as follows:

  • Small incisions mean less scarring on the body. Unlike the conventional means of surgery. Robotic surgery only leaves small scars on the body. These scars also have a reduced chance of getting infected.
  • Reduced blood loss. In connection to small incisions, blood loss during robotic surgery is reduced. Only a tiny amount of blood will come through the incision. No need for blood transfusions.
  • Less pain and discomfort after surgery. Compared to conventional surgery methods, the patient experiences less pain post-surgery. As said, because it only needs a small incision, it’s not as painful as the surgical procedures of the past.
  • Faster recovery and earlier discharge. Whether you’re in health clinics or hospitals; if you underwent robotic surgery then your recovery speed is faster. At the earliest, you can be discharged on the same day of the procedure. If not, then give it one to three days.
  • Ramps up patient satisfaction. Because of the accuracy of the procedures applied to the patient with fast recovery on top of that. Patient satisfaction is significantly increased. Sooner or later, you’ll be getting positive feedback from a happy patient.

Because of what robotic surgery has managed to demonstrate, robotic surgery can transform orthopedic procedures in the future. In turn, the demand for orthopedic products could skyrocket. Another impact it could bring is that it may become the standard for surgical procedures.

What the Future Looks Like With Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery in Orthopedics

(Image source: Financial Times Magazine)

The future for primary care physicians seems to be on a positive note even when robotic surgery is in the picture. They still have a role here. They are the ones who will check your physical condition and determine the next steps. If you’re the patient, you cannot undergo a surgical procedure unless your primary care physician recommends it.

On the side of the patient, robotic surgery provides a quicker means to recover from their condition. They’ll be spending fewer days cooped up in a hospital post-procedure. Also because of how accurately the surgery was done, the patient becomes very satisfied.

In summary…

Robotic surgery in orthopedics has a significant impact on the world of medical care. It introduces a very accurate and precise means to perform surgical operations. While it is a powerful tool, surgeons and primary care physicians aren’t rendered irrelevant by it. They are more needed than ever before.

In the case of the surgeon, they are the ones who operate the robotic arms to perform surgery. As for the primary care physician, they are your bridge to recovery. If you do need an orthopedic procedure, they can refer you to a recommended surgeon if surgery is required for you to fully recover.


  • Does a robot perform the surgical procedure? Not exactly. There’s still a bit of human touch involved in the process. The surgeon must program or control the robot arms used for the surgical procedure.
  • Will this form of surgery make surgeons irrelevant? No, they won’t. Surgeons will become more relevant actually. In health care clinics or hospitals, surgeons are still needed. They are the ones who will program or operate the robotic arms that will conduct the procedure.
  • Does robotic surgery hurt? Not really. There is still some pain experienced, but it’s not the same as a conventional surgery procedure. It’s way less painful than the typical surgery as the surgical instruments only require a small incision to enter your body.
  • How long does it take for a patient to recover from robotic surgery? As mentioned in the benefits section. Patients can recover as early as the same day of the procedure. If not, give it at least one to three days.

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